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Celebrating Scotland’s sustainable retailers

Presenting the award for Scotland’s ‘Sustainability Retailer of the Year’

Business Energy Scotland is celebrating the best in Scottish local retailers at this year’s SLR Awards.

Our advisors have helped retailers from all over Scotland to save energy and reduce their carbon emissions.

Whether its installing heat pumps, upgrading to LEDs or replacing tired old kilo-watt munching dairy decks, our impartial advice and access to Scottish Government funding has helped retailers at the heart of local communities across Scotland.

Retailers that are already saving energy and reducing emissions

  • Goldenacre Mini Market upgraded its lighting and refrigeration, saving 30% on their energy bills.
  • Harris Community Shop purchased high-efficiency refrigerated display cabinets, saving them £3,750 per year.
  • Scotland’s oldest deli, Valvona and Crolla saved almost £5,000 on its annual energy bill thanks to new refrigeration units and LED lighting.
  • MC Stores in Girvan was able to fund several projects that have saved the business over £4k on its annual energy bill and improved the store’s environmental performance.

Sustainability Retailer of the Year 

At the SLR Awards 2024 we are excited to be presenting the award for Scotland’s ‘Sustainability Retailer of the Year’.

The shortlisted retailers in the running for this award are last year’s winner Premier DUSA, and they are up against Premier Girish’s @ Barmulloch and Spar Drymen.

Our energy advisors will be out and about visiting these stores in the coming weeks, to support the judges and to help choose this year’s deserved winner.

Other recent winners of the Sustainability Retailer of the Year award include:

  • Premier Racetrack Pitstop in Bearsden
  • Spar Coylton,
  • Premier Dundee University
  • Giacopazzi’s Minathort.

Other categories being celebrated

Running for over 20 years, the SLR Awards celebrate the achievements of independent retailers across Scotland who have demonstrated exceptional dedication, creativity and outstanding customer service.

Other categories being recognised at the 2024 awards ceremony include: Scottish Brands Retailer of the Year, Community Retailer of the Year, Refit of the Year, #ThinkSmart Innovation Award and the Team of the Year.

The full list of award categories and shortlisted retailers can be found on the SLR Awards website.

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