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From initial planning through to project implementation, we have tools, guides and training to help you, every step of the way.

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Helping Scotland’s oldest deli plan for a low-carbon future

Carbon emissions cut by more than 30% in £100k project

Growing business returns for more energy-saving advice

No-cost changes bring instant savings for Mull B&B

Print firm makes right energy-saving choices when moving into new premises

18th-century holiday cottage boasts 21st-century energy efficiency

Furniture manufacturer makes big energy savings

Tennis and squash club improves building fabric and heating to cut energy costs

Precision engineering business cuts annual energy bill by over £14,000 while increasing manufacturing capacity

Curling club puts a freeze on rising energy costs

LED lighting saves electronics company over £8,750 a year

Convenience store cuts annual energy costs by over £3,000 with an air source heat pump and new refrigeration units