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Case studies

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Case studies

Savings are picture perfect

Case studies

Village hall now offers warm welcome

Case studies

An energy saving ‘roll’ model

Case studies

Green journey continues for holiday lets

Case studies

Package of changes cuts carbon emissions by 25%

Case studies

Hotel has no reservations about recommending support

Case studies

Victorian home becomes energy efficient holiday let

Case studies

Crunchy Carrot takes a bite out of energy bills

Case studies

Soap boss cleans up energy savings

Case studies

£38,000 savings identified at protective coatings company

Case studies

New energy efficiency technology ensures hive is buzzing with activity

Case studies

Community hub cuts energy costs with new heat pumps

Case studies

Cleaning up the savings with energy efficiency improvements

Case studies

Manufacturer feeling radiant after cutting energy bill and carbon emissions

Case studies

Book shop owner makes energy savings as she starts a new chapter

Case studies

Chemical company cuts carbon emissions by 31%

Case studies

Food wholesaler cuts energy bills by more than 15%

Case studies

Low-carbon farming business uncovers new ways to save energy

Case studies

Swimming teachers dive in to make £30,000 energy savings with leisure business

Case studies

Energy savings and year-round comfort for farm experts

Case studies

Print firm makes right energy-saving choices when moving into new premises

Case studies

18th-century holiday cottage boasts 21st-century energy efficiency

Case studies

Curling club puts a freeze on rising energy costs

Case studies

Innovative Eyemouth food business puts a freeze on rising energy costs

Case studies

New heating system cuts energy costs saving Whiting Bay Village Hall over £2,500 per year

Case studies

West Highland Hotel saves nearly £20k on its energy bill by installing new biomass boiler

Case studies

Biomass boiler cuts energy costs by 25% for outdoor centre


Stay warm for less


How to save money and energy on space heating


How to run a more cost-effective and environmentally sustainable office


40 quick and easy ways to cut your energy bills and carbon footprint


Insulation – a quick guide


Radiant heating – a quick guide


Heat pumps – a quick guide


Biomass heating - a quick guide


How to save money on heating workplaces


Take charge of your energy bills with microgeneration


Using a gas boiler? Get ready for the fossil fuel phase-out


Hold on to your hard-earned lolly as the summer starts to sizzle


Tech made easy: let’s talk about heat pumps


Four big resource saving ideas

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