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Resource efficiency at work

To help you train your staff.

We have developed the resource efficiency at work module with a free training video, downloadable presentation, quiz and employee certification.

It is ideal for use as part of a new employee’s induction training or as part of your annual refresher training for existing staff.

Resource efficiency experts and experienced staff trainers have developed the training materials which contain excellent foundation material. It will dispel any common myths on energy, water and raw material efficiency that your staff may hold, and others that may be barriers to action. And it will, in very simple terms, explain the drivers for individuals and organisations in Scotland to adopt resource efficient behaviour.

The Resource Efficiency at Work presentation is available in two formats:

  • A PowerPoint presentation – If you would like to present ‘Resource Efficiency at Work’ to staff, you can use this PowerPoint presentation. The 29 slides take around 20 minutes to present and the presentation is an ideal length for a lunchtime knowledge sharing session.
  • An adaptable PowerPoint presentation – This version of the presentation contains additional slides that prompt you to add your own information to make the presentation even more applicable to your organisation.

On completion of the ‘Resource Efficiency at Work’ training presentation, your staff should have a good understanding of the drivers for resource efficiency and the part they can play in helping your organisation use energy, water and raw materials more efficiently.

To test that knowledge, we have prepared a short quiz that you can download and ask staff to complete. Using this test can really help to make sure that staff pay attention during your presentation.

When an employee passes the test, don’t forget to reward them with their Resource Efficiency at Work certificate. We’ve prepared a template certificate that you can download and update with the employee’s name. By recording the date on the certificate too, you can begin to run refresher courses and reissue certification annually to maintain learning.